• Zine Review: Tucker Toons #1 By Dus T’

    Zine Review: Tucker Toons #1 By Dus T’

    Introduction Today’s zine review is Tucker Toon #1 which is created by Dus T’. It doesn’t look like it’s being sold online as of this writing, so go catch them at a show, or maybe send an email? I traded for this zine at the 2016 Salinas Valley Comic Con.

  • Foray Into Vectors

    Foray Into Vectors

    In a weirdly productive bout of procrastination, I decided to learn vector artwork, with my go to subject, an avatar of me. I’m using Affinity Designer, a program I just found on a random whim.

  • Treana (A Short Comic)

    Treana (A Short Comic)

    I submitted this comic to a journal in November, but it didn’t get accepted. Upon inspection of the email, I realized there was a theme to the entire journal, which I had blatantly ignored (oops). As a result, you all get to see this comic much earlier than I was originally planning.

  • Playing With Prompts

    Playing With Prompts

    I’ve been using character prompts as an exercise to create new characters. I’m weak at coming up with varied clothes with my own characters, so I’m using these prompts to infer how these made up characters should dress and in what situation you could typically find them in. This is a greyscale sketch of me working something…

  • Jam and Condiments

    Jam and Condiments

    At Denny’s.

  • Tap


    Another random sketch after a day of working on comics, filling out residency applications, and looking at clothing. Slowly slowly.

  • SJ Zine Con Thoughts and People Sketching 13th February 2017 (Monday)

    SJ Zine Con Thoughts and People Sketching 13th February 2017 (Monday)

    Sunday was the San Jose Zine Con and it was tons of fun! For a first year affair lots of people showed up and there was tons of energy! I tabled alongside Cheez Hayama, who has fantastic work! I had to stand for most of the  convention because my display covered my face when I was…

  • Stripes


    I was sketching some fashion photos today and played around with some things I learned. Sketch took longer than I probably should have spent on it, but it was a lot of fun regardless.

  • Save Rock And Roll

    Save Rock And Roll

    I’ve been listening to Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy lately, so I sketched this out in between my work yesterday.