A painting of the Mastrena espresso machine in gouache and watercolor, I was originally intending on making this in casein, but forgot all my casein paints at home. I hope you enjoy peeking at the process as much as I enjoyed painting this. I’ve been reading the book Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul and it’s been a fascinating read through of what happened to the Starbucks when Howard Schultz came back to be CEO in 2008. It’s given me a deeper appreciation and insight just into the struggles and triumphs the company had to go through to not die out during a particularly brutal economic period.
Colors are: Permanent Yellow Deep (Daniel Smith), Quinacridone Gold (Daniel Smith), Burnt Sienna (M. Graham), Perelyne Maroon (Daniel Smith), Ultramarine Blue (M. Graham), and Permanent White (Utrecht)
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