Cherry Bean (Salinas, CA) Watercolor and Gouache
The Cherry Bean Gourmet Coffeehouse & Roastery is located in Salinas, CA in the heart of Oldtown Salinas. This is done with quite a limited palette of titanium white (gouache), zinc white (gouache), perylene maroon, quinacridone gold, burnt sienna (goauche), ultramarine blue (gouache), permanent yellow deep. My full palette can be found here. This has been…
Mastrena (Starbucks Painting in Gouache)
A painting of the Mastrena espresso machine in gouache and watercolor, I was originally intending on making this in casein, but forgot all my casein paints at home. I hope you enjoy peeking at the process as much as I enjoyed painting this. I’ve been reading the book Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life…
Casein Painting Process: Starbucks Display
Starbucks Display (Casein Painting) I visited Starbucks a while back and decided to do a casein painting of their display. Casein is by Richeson Casein, one of the very few fine art casein manufacturers I know. I’m using colors out of the Jack Richeson’s Gurney Pack and have been playing around with the limited amount…
From Denver, With Love, Allen (Urban Sketching, Drawing, and Painting)
I visited Denver, Colorado earlier this month to table at DINK. I took a different approach to drawing on location, opting to just do quicker sketches inside my travel journals, as opposed 9 x 12 inch bristol sheets. Denver was a lot of fun and I hope one day I can go back. Let’s take…
Pac Sun (Salinas, CA)
After an interview I sat down and drew this. I should have put more effort into portraying the inside of the store as opposed to putting flat washes. For next time. Also this is the first time I’ve worked across the spread! It’s a lot of fun and I see now why some people tote…
Front Desk
Another drawing from a visit to the orthodontist.
A scene from the dentist’s office.
San Jose Zine Con (February 12th) And Weekend Sketches
Hey everyone, first a convention update. I’m going to be exhibiting at the San Jose Zine Con on Sunday, February 12th! It’ll be from 1pm – 5pm at Local Color in San Jose. More details are available on the Facebook event page here. I’m going to be debuting my hourly comics in book form as well…
Viva Espresso (Salinas, CA)
Viva Espresso is the coffee shop I frequent probably too often. Hot press paper is really something to work on. I’m not entirely used to it yet. Definitely could have pushed the values of this one a lot more and varied a lot of the colors so it doesn’t look so flat. Good notes for…