My Ideal/Impossible Fountain Pen
It’s that last panel that throws a wrench into things just a little. This comic was made with a dip pen. Also, I learned sumi-e ink does not take too kindly to dip pens, it just tends to not attach to the surface of the nib.
Crack Cookies
Nothing like chomping down on some good ol’ cra-I mean cookies from your friendly Trader Joe’s.
Monster Hunter Generations
I’ve been doing the aerial longsword, adept longsword, aerial dual blades, and adept dual blades! Definitely trying out weapons I did not give any shot in previous Monster Hunter games.
Things That Annoy Me #1
This is really frustrating for me, because I don’t want to buy the album twice, but I feel like I have to!
EBABZ 2015 Recap
There are certain days you realize just how small the world is.
You Aren’t Everything
Every once in a while this pops into my head.
Waiting for Seattle
I’m excited and nervous, but I’m not leaving for another 4 and a half months! If you want to get more information about my future ebook, visit here or sign up directly on my Gumroad!
Bread Making
Today was a very good day. My bread had an excellent crust thanks to the cup of water I put in the oven (inside a cast iron skillet). Now if only rising it didn’t take so long!