Rosetta Stone Bookshelf in Casein (Process)

I was at Barnes & Noble the other day and did a casein painting of the Rosetta Stone shelf. I was interest in how the yellow, red, and blue accents contrasted against the dark tones of the book shelf. Here’s step by step on how I did it…

Start simple!
Pencil lay-in over a venetian red and yellow ochre casein ground.
Casein smells good...
Venetian red, raw umber, cobalt blue, yellow ochre, titanium white
blobs of color ready to be transformed into other blobs of color
All laid out on wet paper towel…
Still a ways to go...
Covering up the colored ground as best as I can. Casein dries lighter than it goes down, evidenced by the darks on the left side of the painting.
Opaques, hiding all your mistakes!
Changing the colors of the side of the bookshelf and adding in the blue parts. I go to the restroom around this time.
The fun part!
Detailing the boxes of the shelf


My sketchbook smelled very good after this was finished.
Finished. As you can see, I changed the background to contrast more with the orange/grey of the bookshelf.

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